The SEQaBOO research study is also being conducted in Manchester, England. The study is overseen by Dr. Short. The website can be found by clicking here:
Andrea D Short, PhD PGCertHE FHEA
Post Dcotoral Research Associate| SEQaBOO Manchester|
Division of Human Communication, Development and Hearing
School of Health Sciences| University of Manchester
Andrea obtained a BSc in Cell Biology from the University of Manchester, an MPhil from UMIST for research into glycosylation deficiency in yeast and a PhD for research into the genetics of canine diabetes mellitus from the University of Manchester. She is a PRINCE2 practitioner and a Fellow of Advance HE (formerly the Higher Education Academy).
Andrea’s primary interest is translational research, understanding the genetic contribution to disease and how lifestyles and the environment influence genetic susceptibility and expression. She established her career in comparative genetics as integral member of two EU framework 7 projects, Euradrenal and LUPA, and subsequently developed a respiratory research program in Salford to understand the genetic contribution to disease progression and treatment response for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). She is interested in the stratification of human ethnic groups and in the genetic variation and disease susceptibility of discrete communities.
Andrea is the Post-Doctoral Research Associate for SEQaBOO Manchester.